book review/previews

Super Chris and who shot the mayor?

From lots of stories the crime done is usually done by the least suspected person, say like in who shot Mr Burns in The Simpsons; Maggie did it. The same thing is going to happen in this book. Sorry to reck a bit of the surprise I will tell you it is not going to be Mad Man. Anyway lets get on with the story

The Mayor can sometimes be selfish and bossy, and out of that some greed can come. The Mayor is very rich. He still didn’t give money to the poor at Christmas like everyone else in town, except of cause Mad Man. Mad Man is a super Scum and can be a pain in the butt for everyone else. He has heaps more evil in his body than the mayor. After those two Superville is a friendly town. Super Chris, Rodney and Ultimate David are always giving money to the poor and to top it off Super Chris and Ultimate David save the town from bad guys like Mad Man.

Today was a Monday. Every child was at school except the adults. A special thing about today was it was the Mayors, brothers birthday. The Mayor bought him a car as he was turning 25 and had a licence. Everyone else gave their present and they went inside to get some cake. The Mayor walked up the stairs last and then everyone heard a BANG! They all ran out to find the Mayors head in the punch bowl unconscious. He was rushed to a hospital were his condition was alive. They said it must have been someone who didn’t go to the party, but who and why?

To Be Continued...    

copyright 2005. This book may be used in public on the condition that it is not copied.

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